Bone Up on Bone Health

By Kathleen Doheny Wednesday, May 1, 2024 Growing up, a broken bone—suffered during a sport or a daredevil act like jumping off a roof—was likely to produce bragging rights, along with a nice collection of autographs on the cast. After age 60, fractures could mean hospitalization and a long recovery. “A fracture can be a […]

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Scammers Ramp up Senior Targeting with a New Tool

By Rodney A. Brooks Published , Monday, June 10, 2024 A new study says that more than half of seniors in a recent survey have encountered a scam and more than a third have fallen victim. Nearly three-quarters said they know other seniors who have been scammed. “Thanks in part to modern technology, scams are […]

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Improving Your Balance to Prevent Falls

Balance is something the body learns to do automatically by engaging the postural muscles. Several times a day, whether I’m indoors or out, my bone doctor’s mantra reverberates in my head: “Do Not Fall!” […]

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Student from Bend leads campaign focusing on seniors’ social isolation

Heather Davenport of Bend took this summer as an opportunity to make social isolation less painful for homebound seniors who have suffered from this reality for years. The 19-year-old junior at Grand Canyon University in Phoenix is leading the charge on a marketing campaign to bring awareness about seniors who find themselves in this situation […]

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Older adults should pay close attention to mental health — especially during pandemic

The danger of COVID-19 for seniors has been well-documented, with Floridians older than 65dying in greater numbers than any other age. But experts say the pandemic has also had a profound impact on older adults’ mental health, with many hesitant to seek care and finding that insurance coverage is lacking when they do. […]

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As They Aged, They Started Businesses for People Like Them

Mary Anne Hardy was at a crossroads in her nursing career. A health program she had been working for ended, and, not ready to retire, she was trying to figure out her next move. […]

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Through the adept facilitation of journalist Katie Hafner, the audience will hear directly from four expert panelists from four key service organizations that are helping to connect older adults at risk of social isolation. Village organizations, assisted living communities, phone line support services and senior centers are facing new challenges to support and connect at-risk […]

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How to Be Happy

Behavioral scientists have spent a lot of time studying what makes us happy (and what doesn’t). We know happiness can predict health and longevity, and happiness scales can be used to measure social progress and the success of public policies. […]

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Elderly and Homeless: America’s Next Housing Crisis

Over the next decade, the number of elderly homeless Americans is projected to triple — and that was before Covid-19 hit. In Phoenix, the crisis has already arrived. […]

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A pandemic upshot: Seniors are having second thoughts about where to live

Where do we want to live in the years ahead? Older adults are asking this question anew in light of the ongoing toll of the coronavirus pandemic — disrupted lives, social isolation, mounting deaths. Many are changing their minds. […]

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Robot Pets Helping Reduce Isolation Among Seniors

Senior citizens, especially those in nursing homes or with family living far away, have had a higher risk of social isolation this year. This growing issue can be fixed by companionship, and the West Alabama Area Agency on Aging has developed a unique and heartwarming solution. […]

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How to Navigate the Age of the Smart Home

“Smart home” means different things to different people. For some, it’s the convenience of an internet-connected thermostat or the light bulb they control with a smartphone. […]

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For Successful Aging, Pick Up the Pace or Mix It Up

Older people who cycled for exercise walked more efficiently than people whose primary exercise is placid walking. […]

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How to Meet New People, Even at a Distance

Online and offline platforms are helping strangers form social connections, which are crucial for our health, especially in a pandemic. […]

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Organization delivers free smartphones, tablets to IE hospital for senior patients

Free smartphones and tablets were delivered to a Loma Linda hospital courtesy of an organization on a mission to keep seniors connected. We provide seniors and low-income communities with devices, instructions, and free tech-support to connect them to their physicians via TeleHealth, friends and family using digital connectivity, and wellness tools via apps. Lauren Radigan […]

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Jefferson Awards: New App Brings Youth and Elderly Together

SAN FRANCISCO (CBS SF) — Two years ago, two Stanford business graduates put their heads together to find a way to serve lonely senior citizens.  Madeline Dangerfield-Cha and Joy Zhang say they started their app Mon Ami to bring comfort and companionship to older adults. […]

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TRENDING NOW: Phone Banks Ease Isolation, Create Connections

As the Coronavirus carries on throughout the country, so too do the feelings of uncertainty and anxiety across all different populations. These feelings, sprouting from social isolation in many cases, worry many gerontologists because they know isolation is associated with higher rates of heart disease, stroke, and dementia for older adults especially. […]

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Why Being Kind Helps You, Too—Especially Now

Research links kindness to a wealth of physical and emotional benefits. And it’s an excellent coping skill for the Covid-19 era. […]

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Telemedicine shines during pandemic but will glow fade?

Racked with anxiety, Lauren Shell needed to talk to her cancer doctor. But she lives at least an hour away and it was the middle of her workday. It was also the middle of a pandemic. Enter telemedicine. . […]

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The Benefits of Talking to Strangers

Casual connections with people we encounter in the course of daily life can give us the sense of belonging to a community. […]

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Isolating the Elderly Is Bad for Their Health

Living alone without social interaction is implicated in higher rates of cardiovascular disease, worsening dementia and Alzheimer’s and shorter lives […]

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Life Beyond COVID Seclusion: Seniors See Challenges And Change Ahead

Months into the coronavirus pandemic, older adults are having a hard time envisioning their “new normal.” Many remain fearful of catching the virus and plan to follow strict precautions — social distancing, wearing masks and gloves, limiting excursions to public places — for the indefinite future. […]

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You’re a Senior. How Do You Calculate Coronavirus Risk Right Now?

Early in the pandemic, older adults were told to stay at home. With different states reopening or re-closing, weighing the risks is more complicated. […]

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These states have the most seniors

Just 10 years from now, seniors will comprise more than 20% of U.S. residents, up from 15% in 2020. By 2034, older adults will outnumber children, according to the Census Bureau projections. […]

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Teens Helping Seniors

For the past month and a half, high school students from all around the area have been going out to grocery stores and pharmacies, and delivering to seniors. It’s all volunteer and they are eager to help more people. […]

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Why Elders Are Indispensable for All of Us

New research suggests that humans evolved to have long lifespans so that older people can pass on their knowledge to young ones. […]

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How to Start a Neighborhood Association

So you’re thinking about creating a neighborhood association. Shared crises have frequently galvanized community action, in formal and informal ways, and perhaps you’d like to corral that energy into organizing within your own area. […]

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In Lockdown, a Neighborhood Opens Up

Grab a hyperlocal bakery loaf and a copy of the kids’ newspaper, and we can discuss over stoop cocktails. The residents of Bernal Heights, a dense little neighborhood built around a grassy hill in the south of San Francisco, have been under lockdown a long time — since March 17, to be exact, when the […]

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Senior-Housing Communities Face Higher Vacancy Rates Amid Coronavirus

The aging-at-home movement, well under way when the Covid-19 pandemic hit, will likely be stoked by the staggering number of related deaths at U.S. nursing homes and other senior communities as well as the surge in telemedicine use. […]

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