Village Name: Bethlehem Neighbors
Contact Information:
Geographic area served: Town of Bethlehem, NY
Map: Village Map
Community: Suburban
About/Mission/Description: Enabling adults to live a fulfilling, engaged and independent lifestyle as they age in our community. Our mission is to enable people to remain active in our community with the support of their families, friends, faith and community organizations and service providers.
Governance (Village administration):
- Board structure – Minimum of 4 Board members elected by voting members
- Officers – President; Gail Myers, Secretary; Sylvia Wheeless, Treasurer; Karl Johnson
- Directors – average of 9 board members elected at annual membership meeting.
- Marketing & Outreach, Membership, Social Events Planning, Fundraising and Strategic Planning
- Staff – none
Village Operational Status:
- Operational
- Date Launched – date set for September 7 to begin delivering services
History of Village Development: Bethlehem Neighbors began in a small hamlet of Bethlehem NY, called Colonial Acres. Local residents had formed a group to explore developing a village in their neighborhood. They received assistance from Albany Guardian Society and Senior Services of Albany to get started. They were able to incorporate as a 501 (c)3, set up a bank account, website and Facebook page. They held book club meetings, social potlucks and other dinners but were unable to provide services. In 2018, the Board of Directors decided to turn over their organization to the guidance of Albany Guardian Society and Community Caregivers, which would allow for expansion to the whole town, more possibilities for recruiting members and better partnerships with local community organizations. Bethlehem Neighbors was relaunched in January 2019, with a new interim board of directors. Since then, partnerships have been developed with the YMCA and Bethlehem Senior Services, as well as Community Caregivers. A community-wide picnic was held in September at which time the availability of services was announced. In the years that followed our launch townwide, we have hosted an annual community event featuring a jazz concert and ice cream social.
Age requirements: All adults are welcome to join, priority for services is for all older residents and those younger residents living with disabling conditions
Dues rates:
- Single – $25/year
Couple – $45/year
Members count: No official # at this time
Volunteer roles:
- Both members and non-members
Village Partnerships: Bethlehem Public Library, Community Caregivers, Bethlehem Senior Services, YMCA
Village Program & Services:
- Friendly visits/check-ins
- Health care navigation
- Pet care assistance
- Social & Civic Engagement
- Transportation
- Home chores/Repairs
- Accompaniment into medical visits and medical note taking
- Help with paperwork/paying bills
- Food shopping/Running Errands
- Non-medical respite care
- Annual Revenue – dues and donations
- Annual Expenditures – $4000